Δευτέρα 25 Μαρτίου 2013

Και οι Γερμανοί είναι αγανακτισμένοι

Dear Mr. Papasotiriou, do you speak german? Sprechen Sie deutsch? Da ich es nicht weiss meine Email an Sie auf Englisch: I dont know, let me write in english: Your log and content are great! I feel very sad about the development in the EU. since 2004 I write articles about the causes of the global system crises. my background as a computer scientist, programmer and author with special knowledge with financial and currency theory > enables new views to the reasons of crisis. I analyze, develope and describe a new core of system theory, which localize some main facts: 1. the debt obligations, the base for all investment-products and financial contracts 2. the virtual reality, the fictitious character of assets wirh the dimension from a virtual earth, only valuable in mindspace and not related to real economy. 3. the digital and electronic revolution with world-wide cross linking enables the growths of virtual and fictitsious asset 4. the greed from mankind to use these 'virtual' concepts and system-instruments to get rich and richer. My articles and illustrations are only available in german, but if you habe the abilities to read german or your friends from you please takte a look to: http://www.ocmts.de/html/publikationen.html // one main text: Das Problem des Wachstums / Virtuelles Wachstum / Die Hervorhebung eines bisher unbenannten Problems in neuen Dimensionen // My illustrations for the virtual earth: http://www.ocmts.de/html/sysgraf/html/virtuell_1.html We need a world-wide orange revolution, all the citizins must analyse our systems and development, it is necessary that we feel we are all brothers and sisters, I ' am frightened about the separations between people in the eu with a new form of hate. we need new solutions for our systems, let us stay together against the undemocratic cutting wedges, coming from the EU-parlament without any democratic legimitation. I hope that my work helps you, please know a lot of german people are very angry about german and eu-political leaders. regards rolf d. lenkewitz http://www.ocmts.de

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